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CCW Classes - Concealed Carry Laws & Weapons Permits

Posted by Elise Marie Blog on Tuesday, 7 April 2015

CCW Classes | Concealed Carry Laws & Weapons Permits
Yes, it is true. You can get your CCW training in a matter of minutes online, hassle free, and from the comfort of your home. This training will show you how to legally carry in all the states shown in red below.

Usually the terms “Concealed Carry License” and “Hassle Free” would never be in the same sentence. After all, we’re talking about taking a whole day out of your busy life.
Getting a CCW at the range SUCKS…
First, it takes all day long to do, and for most people, that day is one of their few days off of work. You have to drive there, find parking, fill out paperwork, and sit in an uncomfortable hard chair in a room full of strangers… for eight long hours!

During the class, you’ll struggle to even hear the instructor because of all the gun fire resonating… and if they rent full auto weapons, the noise is even worse.
Plus, a lot of indoor ranges are using frangible (or “soft” rounds which are designed to break apart when they hit hard surfaces) ammunition these days and force you to use their overpriced ammo. The ONLY gun jams I’ve ever had were because of that kind of ammo. It gunks up your gun super-fast and you’ll be scrubbing it for an hour to clean it all out afterwards.

But now, thanks to this “loophole”, responsible gun owners like yourself can get their CCW training from the comfort of their  easy-chair in a few minutes without all the usual hassle!

During this online training, you will not only discover how to better protect yourself and your family, but the Concealed Carry Classroom will help you to qualify for one of the nation’s most valuable concealed firearms permits. (More on this in a moment.)

You’ll also discover firearms and personal protection secrets I can pretty much guarantee you haven’t heard anywhere else, because I gained them thanks in part to the CIA. Here’s all the training details....Read More Detail


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