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Woodworking Plans and Projects With Videos - Custom Woodworking Carpentry

Posted by Elise Marie Blog on Sunday, 29 March 2015

Woodworking Plans and Projects With Videos - Custom Woodworking Carpentry
Woodworking can be so much fun. It is such a rewarding feeling to see your woodworking projects professionally finished and become useful and beautiful additions to your home or garden. Bunk beds for the kids, outdoor furniture, it is I more often than not found the idea and instruction research for the project to sometimes be a big pain. 

DIY books are a great source for ideas, but they tend to lack the instructional details I needed to get the job done. My projects generally turned out pretty good, but not without a lot of struggle and flying by the seat of my pants. I would buy project books only to discover that the plan was missing a couple of steps. 

And I can’t tell you how many times I had to run back to the hardware store to pick up something because I didn’t have a complete materials list. To say the least, it may have been easier to just hire someone to build it for me, but the cost involved can be pretty steep. So wouldn’t it be great if you could find thousands of fresh, easy woodworking project ideas all in one place? 

And what if every one of those great projects came with a complete set of blueprints, a listing of all the materials you would need and even the tools you will require to build it? I’m telling ya, you would feel like you had died and gone to heaven. 
Well professional woodworker, educator and AWI member Ted “Woody” McGrath has spent the last 2 years putting together one of the most comprehensive woodworking projects package you can find. This package includes:
  • 16,000+ woodworking projects plans
  • Detailed diagrams and blueprints for each project
  • Complete listing of ALL the materials you will need
  • All the woodworking tools you will require to build your project
Because Ted McGrath is an educator, he knows how intimidating woodworking can be to the beginner. All of the projects in Teds Woodworking have very clear step-by-step instructions that are very easy to follow. So even if you are a total newcomer to woodworking, you will be able to master all the skills and techniques needed just by following the clear and concise instructions that Ted has laid out for you. Even a seasoned woodworking veteran can greatly benefit from the package Ted has put together....Read More Detail


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