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Hot at home

Posted by Elise Marie Blog on Friday, 21 March 2014

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Truth is, it’s kind of hard for me to admit this here on such a public forum, but it’s also not easy to hide from the truth.

Going where all those judgmental, super-fit people might stare at me while I struggled to get in shape made me feel REALLY uncomfortable and conspicuous.

I didn’t like dealing with the rude, inconsiderate people that always seemed to be in my way there …

… or leaving their sweat on the equipment I wanted to work on and not putting their stuff back where it belongs when they’re done.

Besides all that, I really didn’t have a bunch of extra time to waste in my busy day just getting there and back anyway.

And for what it was, I felt like a gym membership was just way too expensive, especially since I didn’t even like going there.

And since I live in a teensy, tiny city apartment I didn’t *think* there could be an effective way to get in shape at home with my extreme space limitations.

But, then one day, after being miserable and uncomfortable in my own skin and feeling out of control for WAY TOO LONG, I got mad enough at myself that I decided I’d have to find a way to get in shape without the gym.

I knew I had to take control of myself and my life and get my mindset turned around, or the problem was only going to get worse.

I spent a lot of time experimenting with lots of different workout techniques and styles. I had successes… and I had failures.

But I kept at it until I had perfected a system that allowed me to get in the shape I wanted AT HOME with minimal equipment and IN A HURRY.

What resulted is the Hot at Home System which I initially designed especially just to help MYSELF burn fat and develop some sexy muscle definition FAST …

… without having to wipe someone else’s greasy sweat off my equipment OR step foot in a smelly, uncomfortable, crowded gym EVER AGAIN.

In less time than I thought possible I was on the beach in a bikini showing off my flat tummy and shapely shoulders without any of the old embarrassment I used to feel at the beach.

Plus, it’s been several years now, and I’ve managed to maintain my new body without any struggle whatsoever.

It’s sort of a “share the wealth” kind of thing with me. It worked so well for me and I’m so THRILLED with my results, that I want you to have it, too.

If you want to take control of YOUR life and get in your best shape ever, but the thought of going into the gym fills you with dread, keep reading.

Hot at Home is a system that gives you the freedom to get a kick-ass and EFFECTIVE FAT LOSS WORKOUT IN THE PRIVACY OF YOUR OWN HOME (no matter how small your home), on your own schedule, incorporating a specially formulated series of exercises using only a set of dumbbells and a couple of fitness bands.

So, if you’re like ME and don’t have much time to get your workouts done and don’t want to deal with smelly, inconsiderate, rude people hogging equipment you’re waiting for, or filling their huge waterbottles while you wait for a sip at the fountain, then this system is what you’re looking for.

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