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Super senior strength training program

Posted by Elise Marie Blog on Thursday, 20 February 2014

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Let me first say that I'm not an anomaly, I'm not genetically gifted, and I certainly don't spend seven days a week in the gym.

I'd like to share these secrets and shortcuts with you if you'll give me just a few moments of your time, and I can show you how you, too, can regain strength, speed, flexibility and your health faster than you ever thought possible.

There's no magic bullet here. But there are proven techniques to combat the aches, pains, and ailments associated with getting older.

Guess what? You don't have to turn into a shrivelled up, wheelchair-bound senior who watches Johnny Carson re-runs all day! There are seniors working out and staying strong well into their 90s, and you can be one of them.

Too many people have a defeatist attitude that the decreased mobility, agility, and balance associated with aging are inevitable. They think that muscle wasting (losing muscle mass) and weight gain are just a by-product of getting old.

You just need to keep up, and even increase your strength training. The ailments associated with aging are not inevitable, they are PREVENTABLE and in fact REVERSIBLE.

Although fat-loss seems to be the rage, a fat-loss expert recently admitted that 99% of those trying to lose weight fail because they just don't have the desire and discipline. On the other hand, anyone can become stronger and faster with minimum fuss.

Why get stronger? With increased strength comes the ability to function or carry on like you did 30 years ago. A side bonus is that with renewed strength you will slim down, replacing fat with solid muscle.

The fact is, strength training is actually more important now than it was when you were in your 20s and 30s. Strength training will help keep you young. We do not need to know how to add "slabs" of muscle onto our quads, or make our abs look like a washboard. We need sound, functional advice to help us get through the rest of the days of our lives with ease, grace, and enjoyment.

“Results, results, results, that’s what we got. My wife and I spent long hours in the gym for many years with little to show for all the effort. When we joined Ron’s classes, visible results came quickly. The workouts were varied and fun. We got to do many things we had never done before. So our advice is if you want results too, quit playing around and get something accomplished with the guidance of a real pro.”

I am not only one of Mexico's top trainers, but one of the top senior trainers for senior clients in the world.

My education consists of a B.Sc. in physical education from Texas Christian University, and a 3rd degree black belt in Wado-Kai Karate from founder Hironori Otsuka.

I learned kettlebell lifting from famed Russian Valery Fedorenko of the World Kettlebell Club, Muay Thai fighting from Lanna Muay Thai in Northern Thailand, and was certified by the National Strength & Conditioning Association as a "Strength & Conditioning Specialist" way back in 1995.

But my greatest feat was turning 65 years old this year and becoming a "senior." In short, I speak your language, and I'm here to interpret the new fitness crazes, complex techniques, and intricate exercises to make them pertinent to the baby boomer generation.

Now that you know a bit about me, I'd like to show you my greatest workout secrets, which I've spent decades carefully crafting to cater to your specific age range.

I've created a series of three DIGITAL workout training videos for seniors who wish...

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