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Posted by Elise Marie Blog on Saturday, 4 January 2014

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Lets face it. Public speaking is tough. You know that it is something you really want to do (and in some cases HAVE to do) but despite that you just cannot seem to get the confidence to do so. And I'm not just referring to speaking to a large audience.

It can be something as simple as talking to one other human being whom you desire to impress (e.g. if you're a single man who is afraid of talking to women, or you're an employee who wants to present an idea to your boss but cannot bring yourself to do it). It doesn't matter, it's still the same problem. No matter if your audience is 1 or 1,000,000. If you're currently too shy to speak to them, you're in the right place here...

The chances are, that you've read a number of books (or watched videos) on public speaking and maybe even thought that some of them were quite good. But despite that, you're still the shy introvert you've always been and are no closer to your goal. (If you're new to public speaking then that's fine too.)

The reason that you've visited this site today is because you're fed up of not getting anywhere with your public speaking efforts and you're looking for something new to answer that glaring problem.

The sad truth is, that very few people will ever become great public speakers, or indeed any kind of speaker, and here are just some of the reasons why: 

 My name is James Greenward and for as long as I can remember, I've always had a...

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