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Elite minds inc - affiliate opportunities

Posted by Elise Marie Blog on Friday, 3 January 2014

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(NOTE: This page is for affiliates, not mfg-reps or retailers. Please contact us if you are interested in selling any of our products at a retail level.) Do you have a website where you can promote our products?

How would you like to be paid for every item that is sold when someone clicks on a link from your site?

When you use the special link that is generated in your account, our affiliate software places a cookie on the computer of the person who clicks the link on your site. If that person then makes a purchase, our affiliate system knows you sent that customer to us and your account is automatically credited for the sale.

When you use the special link provided on the product's affiliate page, ClickBank places a cookie on the computer of the person who clicks the link on your site. Our billing is processed by ClickBank for the Online training systems. When ClickBank processes a payment from a computer that clicked on your link(within 60 days of clicking the link) you receive credit for that sale and money is deposited in your ClickBank account. When you reach the minimum disbursement amount, they send you a check. It is very easy and very reliable which is why we use ClickBank to manage our affiliate system.

ClickBank has a lot of options but you can ignore all of them. Just setup an account and remember your login/password. You do not have to setup anything else and you do not have to setup any products. Just use the below links and the rest is automatic.

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