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Quick muscle formula - muscle building workout program — quick muscle formula

Posted by Elise Marie Blog on Sunday, 24 November 2013

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-Why Single Approached Hypertrophy Training Isn’t Best For Muscle Building -The Most Underlooked Training Method In Existence Today -How To Better Utilize All of Your Muscle Fibre Types To Build Mass -Methods To Increase The Three Most Anabolic Hormones -And Overall: How To Get RIPPED Quick

Quick Muscle Formula 2.0 is exactly as it sounds. The fastest most effective way to build lean muscle mass.

I have been working with athletes, bodybuilders, and everybody in between for years now and have dedicated my life to the science of nutrition and training. Everything from improving your vertical jump, to dropping 50lbs of fat to gaining 50lbs of muscle is all within my realm.

I will explain in this article how training all muscle fiber types, all energy systems and staying as lean as possible is the smartest and most effective way to build and maintain lean muscle tissue.

“Dirty bulking” or, getting fat to build muscle, is extremely old school and anybody who tells you otherwise either doesn’t understand science or is trying to sell you something.

Research has shown us how the body will biologically react under which specific rep range (amount of reps performed), rest interval (rest in between sets) and exercise is chosen. These recommendations have been created over decades of research as guidelines for growth, strength, power and endurance.

For example, to illicit muscle hypertrophy (swelling/growing of the muscle cell) it is best to stay within 3-6 sets of 8-12 reps. Or for strength benefits it is best to work between 1-6 sets of 1-4 reps. These principals of the human body are noted and agreed upon among top professionals in the field. Where your typical trainers goes wrong is he will say “Ok, I have a client that wants to build muscle, I’ll give him this set of exercises all under the hypertrophy philosophy of training” and assumes it will work because it has been proven time and time again that that rep range will illicit a hypertrophic response in the muscle.

You know what? He will get away with it too because that training will yield some results, but is extremely limited in terms of continuous growth, continuous progress and avoiding the plateau. That style of training philosophy will only get you so far because you are only attacking one set of hormones in the body, one energy system, one training style and one physiological outcome.

Quick Muscle Formula 2.0 incorporates ALL training methodologies in a repeatable 4 week wave method all geared towards one thing, increasing lean muscle mass.

“But why do I need to incorporate all the different set and rep ranges if all I want to do is gain as much muscle as possible?”

Too often have I seen trainers prescribe strict hypertrophy when that is only one piece of the puzzle. When you are trying to add as much muscle as possible, it is essential to incorporate hypertrophy, explosive strength and power.

The amount of Force one is able to produce is a combination effort of Mass x Acceleration, or, how big and fast you are. Explosive power is arguably the most under looked training method in existence today. Very rarely do you see anybody, unless they are working with a professional, incorporate explosive training into their programs.

Speed is as important to getting bigger and stronger as gaining muscle is. Without speed, you’re limiting your ability to get stronger, when you’re limiting you’re ability to get stronger, you’re also limiting your ability to get bigger.

It’s a vicious cycle that will continue and continue, or what most people know as, the plateau. Where nothing happens, you’re...

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